Anyone who has an understanding of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) or struggled to achieve those highly sought after top results and rankings, will know it is a constant race to stay that one step ahead of your competition. As SEO Sepcialists, seo agency in London, we’ve put together some ‘top tips’ (5 to be exact!)…
Posts Tagged: business
Game of Google Thrones – The Battle for Retail.
Until recently, all was calm in the realms of retail – peaceful, tranquil, not a White-Watcher or Wildling in sight. However, in their infinite (?) wisdom (??), Google have descended from their throne and declared war on their civil serving subjects.
Facebook changes Places and gives users more control
Facebook has made a number of changes to its services and features over the past week which, according to specialist blog All Facebook, will mainly have an impact on the way Places and location-based updating will work and also how users share content with one another.
Is Affiliate Marketing Right For You?
The affiliate marketing model is a method whereby one business rewards another business for sending them customers, visitors, and/or sales. The reward usually consists of a percentage of said sale, namely in the form of commission. In the right markets, there is great potential to make a lot of money – but is it right for…
5 Things you Need to Know about New Google Search:
With a new revamp from our friends over at Google and their launch of “Search Plus Your World”, this newest update has faced mixed reviews from the public. But what has actually changed, and how does this impact your online marketing? Check out the 5 things you need to know about their latest update:
8 Top tips for YouTube small business marketing
YouTube is an ideal platform for businesses of all sizes because it’s easy to use, free and has a huge audience and active community. Many large companies use YouTube really well as part of their online communications strategy. But don’t be intimidated if you own a small or medium sized business, because with the right…