Everything You Need to Know About: Google Shopping.

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Earlier this year the big bods at Google HQ announced that Google Product Search (US) and Google Merchant Centre (UK) will merge and rename itself to “Google Shopping”. We’ve had a little bit of warning of course, if you have seen the below image. However if like us, you tend to dismiss and continue with…

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5 Simple Steps to Optimise Your Google Shopping Feed.

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With all the changes over at Google HQ recently, as a business it can be pretty hard to keep up and know what’s what when it comes to retailing. Where do you even begin? We’ve put together 6 simple steps to guide you through Google Shopping, and how to make the most of your brand.

Game of Google Thrones – The Battle for Retail.

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Until recently, all was calm in the realms of retail – peaceful, tranquil, not a White-Watcher or Wildling in sight. However, in their infinite (?) wisdom (??), Google have descended from their throne and declared war on their civil serving subjects.